Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's Official!

Finally a new computer! We have been scraping by with the old one for at least 3 years. I bet you didn't know a computer could be on its death bed for that long :) What is so amazing about it?

- The 2 key and @ symbol work ( I no longer have to find an @ symbol to copy and past to put in my email, which is MOST user names I needed on a daily basis.
- The battery lasts about 6 hours instead of 15 minutes (no joke)
- it charges without propping a stapler against the cord to get it to stay, or the power cord starting to melt from the computer overheating.
- It starts quickly and is so quiet and a shiny new screen, the excitement is endless!

Thankful for this new computer. It is such a part of all we do, research, emails, our finances, etc... Loving it!