Thursday, July 14, 2011

Right about now is about that time

So I am moving back to part-time in my job starting in September ( possibly no time, but we will see) and I am really excited! The hours I have been working are getting overwhelming and the limited time I have for my health and home have started to wear on me. You could say I am wanting to nest (except I'm not pregnant). I know nesting is supposed to happen when you are pregnant, but maybe it's because I am hoping to be pregnant this year and I am just getting a head start!
It has been fun to watch my friends have kids, to walk with friends that are trying and some that are pregnant now. There is joy in all of it and some sorrow, but mostly joy. A baby is such a blessing from God and I can't wait to be a part of the prego community one day! (Whenever God thinks we are ready)
It's fun to dream about and talk about with Steve, every time we get in the car for more that 10 minutes we are always talking about names. Good names, bad names, names that mean something to us. He is going to be a great daddy one day. I really can't wait to see him with our kids, he's so much fun to watch with everyone else's kids I can't imagine when it is ours.
Anyway...enough on that, time to get back to work, lunch is over :)